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About Us

Our Story

Catlma was created by a group of cat behaviorist, veterinarians and devoted cat parents who want to consider the needs of their cats more. It all began with a simple observation made by our founder, who noticed that their cherished feline friend, Sky, had a remarkable talent for finding solace in the most unexpected places, such as behind the couch cushions or nestled within a pile of laundry. That’s when they became increasingly intrigued by the idea of creating a sanctuary of serenity—a tranquil haven where Sky and cats like her could feel safe, secure, and truly content. Driven by the vision of ensuring that every cat's purr is a happy one, Catlma set out to provide innovative solutions to common cat anxieties and stressors. Through careful research, collaboration with experts in feline behavior, and a commitment to quality and efficacy, Catlma developed a range of products designed to address the unique needs of cats and their parents.

Who Are We

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